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Real-world robotic grasping can be done robustly if a complete 3D Point Cloud Data (PCD) of an object is available. However, in practice, PCDs are often incomplete when objects are viewed from few and sparse viewpoints before the grasping action, leading to the generation of wrong or inaccurate grasp poses. We propose a novel grasping strategy, named 3DSGrasp, that predicts the missing geometry from the partial PCD to produce reliable grasp poses. Our proposed PCD completion network is a Transformer-based encoder-decoder network with an Offset-Attention layer. Our network is inherently invariant to the object pose and point's permutation, which generates PCDs that are geometrically consistent and completed properly. Experiments on a wide range of partial PCD show that 3DSGrasp outperforms the best state-of-the-art method on PCD completion tasks and largely improves the grasping success rate in real-world scenarios. The code and dataset will be made available upon acceptance.
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Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) provides information on the presence, extent, and severity of obstructive coronary artery disease. Large-scale clinical studies analyzing CCTA-derived metrics typically require ground-truth validation in the form of high-fidelity 3D intravascular imaging. However, manual rigid alignment of intravascular images to corresponding CCTA images is both time consuming and user-dependent. Moreover, intravascular modalities suffer from several non-rigid motion-induced distortions arising from distortions in the imaging catheter path. To address these issues, we here present a semi-automatic segmentation-based framework for both rigid and non-rigid matching of intravascular images to CCTA images. We formulate the problem in terms of finding the optimal \emph{virtual catheter path} that samples the CCTA data to recapitulate the coronary artery morphology found in the intravascular image. We validate our co-registration framework on a cohort of $n=40$ patients using bifurcation landmarks as ground truth for longitudinal and rotational registration. Our results indicate that our non-rigid registration significantly outperforms other co-registration approaches for luminal bifurcation alignment in both longitudinal (mean mismatch: 3.3 frames) and rotational directions (mean mismatch: 28.6 degrees). By providing a differentiable framework for automatic multi-modal intravascular data fusion, our developed co-registration modules significantly reduces the manual effort required to conduct large-scale multi-modal clinical studies while also providing a solid foundation for the development of machine learning-based co-registration approaches.
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Model estimates obtained from traditional subspace identification methods may be subject to significant variance. This elevated variance is aggravated in the cases of large models or of a limited sample size. Common solutions to reduce the effect of variance are regularized estimators, shrinkage estimators and Bayesian estimation. In the current work we investigate the latter two solutions, which have not yet been applied to subspace identification. Our experimental results show that our proposed estimators may reduce the estimation risk up to $40\%$ of that of traditional subspace methods.
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This report summarizes the work carried out by the authors during the Twelfth Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, held at Universit\'e de Montr\'eal in August 2022. The team tackled a problem submitted by CBC/Radio-Canada on the theme of Automatic Text Simplification (ATS).
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Regularising the parameter matrices of neural networks is ubiquitous in training deep models. Typical regularisation approaches suggest initialising weights using small random values, and to penalise weights to promote sparsity. However, these widely used techniques may be less effective in certain scenarios. Here, we study the Koopman autoencoder model which includes an encoder, a Koopman operator layer, and a decoder. These models have been designed and dedicated to tackle physics-related problems with interpretable dynamics and an ability to incorporate physics-related constraints. However, the majority of existing work employs standard regularisation practices. In our work, we take a step toward augmenting Koopman autoencoders with initialisation and penalty schemes tailored for physics-related settings. Specifically, we propose the "eigeninit" initialisation scheme that samples initial Koopman operators from specific eigenvalue distributions. In addition, we suggest the "eigenloss" penalty scheme that penalises the eigenvalues of the Koopman operator during training. We demonstrate the utility of these schemes on two synthetic data sets: a driven pendulum and flow past a cylinder; and two real-world problems: ocean surface temperatures and cyclone wind fields. We find on these datasets that eigenloss and eigeninit improves the convergence rate by up to a factor of 5, and that they reduce the cumulative long-term prediction error by up to a factor of 3. Such a finding points to the utility of incorporating similar schemes as an inductive bias in other physics-related deep learning approaches.
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While recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) language models demonstrate cutting-edge performance when working with English texts, equivalent models do not exist in other languages or do not reach the same performance level. This undesired effect of AI advancements increases the gap between access to new technology from different populations across the world. This unsought bias mainly discriminates against individuals whose English skills are less developed, e.g., non-English speakers children. Following significant advancements in AI research in recent years, OpenAI has recently presented DALL-E: a powerful tool for creating images based on English text prompts. While DALL-E is a promising tool for many applications, its decreased performance when given input in a different language, limits its audience and deepens the gap between populations. An additional limitation of the current DALL-E model is that it only allows for the creation of a few images in response to a given input prompt, rather than a series of consecutive coherent frames that tell a story or describe a process that changes over time. Here, we present an easy-to-use automatic DALL-E storytelling framework that leverages the existing DALL-E model to enable fast and coherent visualizations of non-English songs and stories, pushing the limit of the one-step-at-a-time option DALL-E currently offers. We show that our framework is able to effectively visualize stories from non-English texts and portray the changes in the plot over time. It is also able to create a narrative and maintain interpretable changes in the description across frames. Additionally, our framework offers users the ability to specify constraints on the story elements, such as a specific location or context, and to maintain a consistent style throughout the visualization.
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Counterfactual explanation is a common class of methods to make local explanations of machine learning decisions. For a given instance, these methods aim to find the smallest modification of feature values that changes the predicted decision made by a machine learning model. One of the challenges of counterfactual explanation is the efficient generation of realistic counterfactuals. To address this challenge, we propose VCNet-Variational Counter Net-a model architecture that combines a predictor and a counterfactual generator that are jointly trained, for regression or classification tasks. VCNet is able to both generate predictions, and to generate counterfactual explanations without having to solve another minimisation problem. Our contribution is the generation of counterfactuals that are close to the distribution of the predicted class. This is done by learning a variational autoencoder conditionally to the output of the predictor in a join-training fashion. We present an empirical evaluation on tabular datasets and across several interpretability metrics. The results are competitive with the state-of-the-art method.
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Foundation models are redefining how AI systems are built. Practitioners now follow a standard procedure to build their machine learning solutions: download a copy of a foundation model, and fine-tune it using some in-house data about the target task of interest. Consequently, the Internet is swarmed by a handful of foundation models fine-tuned on many diverse tasks. Yet, these individual fine-tunings often lack strong generalization and exist in isolation without benefiting from each other. In our opinion, this is a missed opportunity, as these specialized models contain diverse features. Based on this insight, we propose model recycling, a simple strategy that leverages multiple fine-tunings of the same foundation model on diverse auxiliary tasks, and repurposes them as rich and diverse initializations for the target task. Specifically, model recycling fine-tunes in parallel each specialized model on the target task, and then averages the weights of all target fine-tunings into a final model. Empirically, we show that model recycling maximizes model diversity by benefiting from diverse auxiliary tasks, and achieves a new state of the art on the reference DomainBed benchmark for out-of-distribution generalization. Looking forward, model recycling is a contribution to the emerging paradigm of updatable machine learning where, akin to open-source software development, the community collaborates to incrementally and reliably update machine learning models.
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Compared to conventional bilingual translation systems, massively multilingual machine translation is appealing because a single model can translate into multiple languages and benefit from knowledge transfer for low resource languages. On the other hand, massively multilingual models suffer from the curse of multilinguality, unless scaling their size massively, which increases their training and inference costs. Sparse Mixture-of-Experts models are a way to drastically increase model capacity without the need for a proportional amount of computing. The recently released NLLB-200 is an example of such a model. It covers 202 languages but requires at least four 32GB GPUs just for inference. In this work, we propose a pruning method that allows the removal of up to 80\% of experts with a negligible loss in translation quality, which makes it feasible to run the model on a single 32GB GPU. Further analysis suggests that our pruning metrics allow to identify language-specific experts and prune non-relevant experts for a given language pair.
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